1. What does the title mean? How does the title and thecontrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film?At first glance you can not understand but as the film goes one, you get it!This guy, Jamal, was just as poor as he can be. He had no scholar education,he own nothing, BUT his experience in life, worthy knowledge which is the key to the biggold pot. He acquired them with not cheerful experiences but at last, he got them. a slumdogwho won millions for his knowledge. His only property.
12. The chaos and the constant noise and motion of Mumbai at the center of the film,(supported by a fabulous soundtrack) are contrasted with a deeper silent seeking. Describe what each of the main characters isseeking..they had a really unstable life, one day here the next there all to survive. Even though all of these noisethey were only looking for a calm, lovely and steady life. Love, peace and the right way was the way he knew lifewas the best. Well that's in Jamal's case, Salim, always lookedfor a wealthy luxurous life, full of everything he wanted ever. His stability in life was fullfilled bycash and what you could get in life with it.
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